The day I've been dreaming of for so long is here. I am so excited to share my first book, Houseplants and Design: A New Zealand Guide Available for pre-order now. It will be released everywhere on November 1, 2022
A year of work plus 12 years of self-publishing online and a life of dreaming finally brought me to this moment. Even as I hold this book in my hands, I still can't believe it's real. I started node in Lyttelton, New Zealand, two years ago because there weren't any design-focused houseplant stores in the South Island. Then I spent a year researching and writing this book because I was frustrated that all the New Zealand house plant books were from abroad. The cynicism of Americans at the writing of this book does not escape me.
I poured my heart and soul into it Houseplants and designSharing stories and lessons I've never talked about before. Filled with knowledge about houseplants, and how to care for them, style them, grow them, and design with them, this book is so much more than just a botanical book. I delve into the history of the houseplant trade and spill my tea on the latest science behind our beloved plants. While I tell these stories from a kiwi perspective, this book is universal and will help wannabe planting parents all over the world.
This book is about why we are connected to nature. It is about how we can bring nature indoors to create a flourishing space for us and cultivate luxury. Taking care of an indoor garden is taking care of ourselves.
About once a week, I get a message asking if I'm still running node. And the answer is hell yes I am!
Since I launched NODE in the middle of a pandemic, I've been able to split my business — here I am, Young Adventuress the bLoGgeR who shares inspiring and personal stories about adventure, nature, birds, and musings on life (at least that's how I see myself). At NODE, I wear my CEO and Mrs. Hat for a stylish designer home and houseplant brand as I spend a lot of time researching budgets and spreadsheets and talking to suppliers.
Every day I work behind the scenes at NODE, developing the business and trying to make it better; But it's not a side of me that I'm sharing heaps on here. why? I'm not sure. Maybe because I want to make NODE into something bigger than me. Perhaps a part of me wanted to prove that I could build a successful business out of my YA identity.
quite yet broke up last year, I took an unintentional break from NODE. My ex-wife and I share the same building in Lyttelton, and I needed to be in Wanaka with my friends to heal. I also needed some space from a brand I had been limited to, mostly on my own, for a year and a half.
It was also the perfect excuse to finally finish my book. Fortunately, I have a great team that I can count on who gets me and supports me in everything. Even though I'm back in Wanaka now, I still go to Lyttelton all the time. I'm excited for this next chapter of NODE. Maybe I'll see you there
When I got an email a few months ago that my final (final, final, definitely final) draft of my book had gone to printers, I was speechless. I can't believe I wrote a book. It really stifles me to say this, but I'm really proud of myself. I can't believe I managed to make my biggest, oldest and most terrifying dream a reality.
All my life I've dreamed of writing books, but part of me was too afraid to even try to make it happen. I have put this dream on a pedestal for decades. looking at it. watch them. But too afraid to do anything about it.
Two months after I got my book deal, my life completely fell apart. My world crashed, and I didn't know which way up. All the things that gave me comfort were gone, and I was put into cold storage. Home was with any friend let me crash at their place.
I was lost, sad, sad, depressed, and in the absolute worst position to take on my biggest project yet. Or was it me?
Rock bottom has become the foundation of my writing, and writing has become a beacon in my world of turmoil. Kept me awake. This book gave me purpose. Writing and hiding was the perfect excuse to escape to Wanaka. My friends took me in and helped me break it down into manageable tasks. They read my drafts and held me accountable.
And while I managed to hit Best Writer on every deadline I was given, in the end, it's done, polished, and a joy to see — in my opinion, of course. There is something to be said about stubbornness Blind optimism and hope.
Portrait of me from an exceptionally talented photographer in Wanaka and an old friend, Mickey Ross
Why houseplants and why now? How millennial burnout and a global pandemic inspired a return to a plant-filled house.
Over the past twelve years, this little old blog has taken me around the world many times. By 2019, I was incredibly burned out. I longed for routine. If I dreamed of settling down, I would count the days until I got back to Wanaka. I needed a home. To balance the busyness of my life, I started collecting houseplants.
I started with one, and then somehow, I ended up with hundreds. No one has ever accused me of doing anything half my head.
I've always had a deep, deep love for things that grow. As my mind and heart were recovering from a decade of self-destructive behavior, an inability to set boundaries for my work, some not-so-cool addictions, and a lifestyle that was anything but healthy, I found the cure in nature.
And I mean the nature around me, but also by surrounding myself with plants at home, that's where I felt safe.
Houseplants have been a huge part of my life for years, and they are an aspect of me that many of you may not be aware of. Perhaps it is my superpower, along with my weakness.
I know the scientific name and history behind every house plant on the market these days. I can spot mealybugs from miles away and diagnose and treat your sad plant in less than a minute. I made my way into the old school industry with the guts of someone who has absolutely no grudges.
There was no life, no style, and definitely no vibes. Houseplants are seriously one of the hottest millennial trends ever; Why are there no vegan places for people like me? Where were the places of plants that cared and thought about their products? Where were the sellers with extraordinary knowledge and creativity? Who Inspired Thoughtful Living Spaces?
But someone built a plant store and I wanted to spend time in it, so I built it. Nobody wrote the plant book I wanted to read, so I wrote it.
Honestly, where does this courage come from? I couldn't tell you. Usually, I'm the quiet one at the back of the room, observing, introverted, and totally happy on her own.
Yes, this is a book about plants. But it's also about way more than just plants. It's about crafting a safe, comfortable space in the home that cultivates well-being. I explore why we have to bring plants indoors. I also dive into the science behind the benefits that houseplants provide when it comes to our health.
As someone who is always looking for meaning in everything, I can really relate my love of houseplants to positive mental health. They gave me purpose when I needed a change. Caring for houseplants taught me to take care of myself.
Putting down our phones, and being with nature, even if it's just re-painting an old houseplant, is profound. With dirt under my fingernails and aching between my shoulder blades, after a day of working with my plants, I feel recharged. Houseplant care is largely a form of self-care.
Up to date for all the fine details around me Houseplants and design the book. It is for sale Pre-order here Through my shop NODE. It will be released on the 1st of November 2022 here in New Zealand and Australia.
In addition, it will be available through many bookstores and retail spaces in New Zealand and available at other online locations around the world. I set up international shipping with my online book store, which you can see at checkout. But be warned, global shipping is now (how do I say this accurately?) a fucking disaster, which is reflected in the prices. Luckily for my non-New Zealander friends, the New Zealand dollar has depreciated a lot, so you're in for a pretty good deal. While it's $45 NZD here, it's roughly the same as $40, $27, £23, and €27. If your country does not appear in the shipping options, email us [email protected]And the We will tell you about it.
Oh, and I'm signing the first 200 copies sold through NODE.
It's a fat and happy book, weighing in at 352 pages. we Houseplants and design The book contains everything you need to know about houseplants and then some. It's extra, just like me. And while I wrote it from a New Zealand perspective, it is just as applicable to houseplant lovers all over the world. I can guarantee there are some things out there that you've never heard of or known about.
Now to sell hard. It would mean the world to me if you would support me by investing in my first book. I don't ask this lightly. There is no fluff or fodder here - this book is inspiring, educational, and entertaining. I hope to make you guys proud.
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