DreamWorks Animation has revealed its latest animated logo sequence, which still features the company's signature moon baby. The 32-second logo sequence will officially debut during the upcoming limited theatrical release of the Puss in Boots: Last Wish This Saturday, November 26th, which will be followed by its wide release on December 21st.
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DreamWorks Animation's new logo sequence signals a new era for the popular animation studio, as a moon child soars through the sky, passing beloved characters from the studio's most popular franchises, including Kung Fu PandaAnd the partnerAnd the Chief childAnd the How to train your dragonAnd the TrollsAnd the the wicked.
“We make dreams come true on screen, so basically the idea was to go into the dreams of a new kid. Production designer Kendall Cronkite said in a statement (via Hollywood Reporter). “The kid surfs, floats and flies through these kinds of galaxies, bringing all the different looking movie characters together in one piece.”
"At the studio, we like to say all dreamers are welcome here, and when you think about who the iconic dreamer is, it's the moon child," said Margie Cohn, president of DreamWorks Animation. “People wish upon the stars, people look up at the sky for inspiration. By having them check out the moon and surf in the sky, visiting friends new and familiar, you are setting the stage for future entertainment.”
Related: Puss In Boots: The Last Wish Trailer Teases Christmas Release
Puss in Boots: Last Wish It stars Antonio Banderas, Salma Hayek Pinault, Harvey Gillen, Florence Bowie, Jack Horner, John Mulaney, Wagner Mora, Olivia Colman, Ray Winston, Samson Cayo, Anthony Mendes, and Daphne Joy Randolph.
"The sequel will once again follow Puss in Boots as he discovers his passion for adventure has taken its toll," the synopsis reads. “Eight of his nine lives have been spent, and he only has one life left. Boss embarks on an epic journey to find the legendary last wish and recover his nine lives.”
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