According to our statistics, there are 112 new movies and shows added to Netflix in December. This is the good news. The bad news is 34 movies and shows Departure Netflix in December. So if you want to watch any of the titles below, the clock is definitely ticking.
Note: Daniel Craig James Bond for the first time Casino Royale Netflix is leaving on New Year's Eve. So is the amazing Stanley Kubrick closed eyes With Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman. Same for the live-action trilogy Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Movies of the 90s. (no that Make for a trippy marathon with closed eyes) And if you want to have a really merry Christmas, you can watch it Partner: the musician until December 28th.
Here is the full list of what will be leaving Netflix in December 2022:
Check out 9/12/22
Check out 10/12/22
color fast
Departure 11/12/22
Chase: Unabomber
Departure 12/14/22
Black Ink Crew New York: Seasons 3-4
the challenge: the twelfth season
the challenge: Season 25
Merlin: Seasons 1-5
teen mom 2: Seasons 3-4
Departure 12/15/22
Danish girl
Departure 12/27/22
Instant hotel: Season 1
Check out 12/28/22
musical partner
Departure 12/31/22
No. 1
Cinderella story
Clockwork Orange
little princess
blood diamond
blue jasmine
Casino Royale
closed eyes
I love you man
life as we know it
men in black
Men in Black II
men in black 3
European national spelling leave
National spelling leave
New York minute
Breaking point
police Academy
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2: The Secret of Buoyancy
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Movie
The most popular English-language Netflix TV shows of all time
These are the most popular TV shows on Netflix (in English), based on hours watched in the first 28 days of broadcasting.

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