As the title suggests, SR. is a documentary about Robert Downey Sr., the provocative filmmaker who introduced the world to cult classics like Putney Sup And the Grease palace. But the movie was also made and features the son of Downey, a working actor you may be familiar with Robert Downey Jr. In fact, the movie is more about the relationship between the two Roberts Downey than it is about the father's life and career.
As such, it offers an intriguing glimpse into the private life of one of the biggest movie stars in the world. SR., directed by Chris Smith, includes scenes of the Downey family at home on Long Island (do they live in a house that's also a windmill?), along with scenes where the two men interview each other at length about their lives. From that description - and the fact that Downey Jr. He produced the movie himself. SR. It may sound like an indulgent home movie. Indeed, it's a candid and fascinating look at multiple generations in a show business family. Both Downeys are honest about their mistakes and their feelings about filmmaking and parenthood.
As of today, the movie is now streaming Netflix. Here it is SR. tractor:
The only problem about the movie is that Netflix has not licensed any of the Robert Downey Sr. movies. to be available for broadcast. There are great clips from many of Downey's movies but if you're interested check them out fairy Or some of his other works after SR. Done, you have to look elsewhere. (Putney Sup And the Grease palace They are currently broadcasting on Peacock).
You can watch SR. On Netflix at this link.
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