We have already shared with you the meaning affiliate metallica the title of the song, "Lux SternaSo it seems appropriate to give you an idea of why 72 Seasons is the title of Metallica's new album and where that title actually comes from.
Luckily , James Hetfield Full of Black for Louisville Rock Radio Station Alternative 105.1 (as stated below) stating, “72 seasons I came out of a book I was reading about childhood, basically, and labeling childhood as an adult. And the 72 seasons It's basically the first 18 years of your life. How do you evolve, grow, mature, and evolve your ideas and self-identity after those first 72 seasons? "
The veteran singer and guitarist then added, "Some things are harder than others — you know, some things you can't ignore and they'll be with you for the rest of your life, and other things you can turn back and make a new tape of your life into. So that's the really interesting part for me." me, which is how you handle these situations as an adult and mature person."
Speaking on his way, Hetfield commented, "There's been a lot of darkness in my life, in our careers and things that've happened with us, but we always have a sense of hope, we always have the light that's in that darkness... Without darkness, there's no light." , and being able to focus a little more on the light in life rather than all of the…how it used to be and how horrible it was.”
"There are so many good things going on in life — focusing on that instead, and it helps me achieve balance in my life," says the Metallica frontman. "And there's no sense in it, everyone has some hope or light in their life, and music is obviously mine. The song is specifically about people getting together at a concert and [being] Being able to see the joy, life, and love that comes from music and family and kinship in that, and just feeling uplifted."
The 72 seasons The album is set for release on April 14th. In other news, Metallica just announced a massive world tour that will take them through 2023 and into 2024. Get your tickets! over here You can also consider a variety of Enhanced Experience ticket packages that range from $414 to $7,272. learn more over here.
Metallica's James Hetfield speaks with Louisville's Alt 105.1
The real names of over 50 rock + metal icons
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