Netflix the magician Heading towards one of the biggest threats in the series' history, showrunner Lauren Hisrich teases that the fearsome Wild Hunt - a group of terrifying spectral hunters - will have a presence next season.
"I think two things are going to happen now," Hisrich said in an interview with Entertainment Weekly When asked about the Wild Hunt. We created Wild Hunt for Ciri in the middle of season two and you think, 'I don't quite understand what this is. I don't understand why they are in my dream scene. And then, apparently, in the end, she visits the domain of the dark elves and realizes, "These people are after me."
In the second season of the magicianWild Hunt is teased after Cintra is given a vision of the Wild Hunt riders when Triss Merigold tries to learn more about Ciri's magic. Hissrich also talked about Wild Hunt as it applies to Ciri and said that she'll eventually have a run-in with the Knights, which will make their threat even greater.
“When we were talking about the pressure on Ciri and what she's going through from all these people who seem to want her, what's cool is that she's gone on a run with Wild Hunt so that it's more obvious to her and more scary,” Hissrich said. “One of the things I love about the books is that [author Andrzej] Sapkowski has done so beautifully that he has been teasing Wild Hunt for so long. They pop up, then they go away for a while. So we definitely stick to that school.”
Of course, Geralt (played by Henry Cavill in Season 3) will be someone who finds himself embroiled in the battle with the Wild Hunt, with Hissrich pointing out that as of now, he'll always be "a looming threat" to Ciri.
"We all know that eventually, Geralt will learn more about the Wild Hunt, as will Ciri, but for now it's still a looming threat to her. It's kind of slipping through her fingers. She can't catch up to it and figure it out yet."
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