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Lessons Madeline Klein learned while working on the Onion Glass collection

Were there any other specific tips or lessons that you learned even from your colleagues on Glass Onion?

From Daniel, I learned what a true leadership man looks like. He is a gentleman to the core. He is also one of the funniest people I think I have ever met. And he, along with Ryan knows, has this great energy. This feeling of security and freedom starts at the top. They really know how to organize and facilitate an environment where everyone feels safe and free to play. And that's something anywhere, ever I use it, and I would like to emulate that kind of energy. It's important, and I don't think it's important where you are on the call sheet.

From Ed Edwards, he's a perfectionist, but I've learned that he's not worth it at all. If you are not satisfied with what you put in, you can start over. This is something very practical for an actor. I think sometimes we feel like we have to keep going. Do not do it. Just start over and put only what your camera is happy with.

I learned freedom with Katherine, Kate, and Janelle. These three are very free and forbidden. They have no fear. They are fearless in their work and I admire that very much.

I learned stillness from Leslie. I learned how powerful stillness is. He is also very calculated and deliberate about everything he does. It was very beautiful to watch.

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