The '90s: a time of prosperity, promise, and highly questionable fashion and, above all, movies.
Lots of movies.
So many, in fact, that many of the best of them have fallen by the wayside in the intervening decades. Surely, everyone has seen it Pulp FictionAnd The Shawshank RedemptionAnd fight clubbut the 90s movies that have become classics It's just a fraction of the thousands of movies shown during this Halcon decade. However, thanks to streaming and digital rentals, it's never been easier to watch many of these titles - even if very few people do.
Let's try to change that. Below are 12 movies from the '90s. Some were critical hits in their day, and some were decent box office hits. It's all been largely forgotten - or at least never seen before - by all but the most dedicated and obsessive fan of '90s cinema. If you've seen big node titles like matrix or Titanic or Jurassic Park And if you're willing to dig a little deeper, any of these titles fit the bill.
The selection includes comedies, dramas, teen films, thrillers, action films and series. If they weren't on your radar before, they are now.
The forgotten '90s movies you need to see
These films were not successful. They are not considered classics of the 90s. But more people should watch it.

10 VHS Tapes You Totally Owned As A '90s Kid
These films were part of the '90s children's VHS collection.
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