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100 Realistic and Fabulous Gift Ideas for Men - Most of They Are Under $100!

A gift guide to things men really want, sorted by price.

The older you get, the more difficult it is to ask for gifts. If you want or need something for a reasonable price... you've probably already bought it. If an expensive item caught your eye, you probably wouldn't feel comfortable asking for it. You are self-sufficient, and proud of it.

However, this is the season for giving and receiving gifts, and it's important to remember that gifts are an opportunity for the people in your life to express how much they care. It's nice to suggest things that would mean something to you.

Don't expect any help from our traditional gift guides for men. Most of it is a useless mishmash of the more expensive, unrealistic, and plain old magazine editors and weird *think* looks great on the page.

So we created a practical gift guide for practical men with 100 suggestions for gadgets, essentials, clothing, and home upgrades—items you probably don't own, but that you can definitely use. Try it, share it, use it for birthdays, graduations, etc. Almost everything has been chosen because it is useful throughout the year, not just in December.

Our best gift guide ever.

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