Week 19 - 2 May 2022
As everyone curls up for a long winter's nap, Cancer sufferers may feel like downing a 12-pack of energy drinks. You'll rise and shine with that burst of can-do energy as fast-and-furious Jupiter returns to Aries on Tuesday, December 20th, soaring through your tenth house of achievement, status, and success until May 16th, 2023. You've already got a taste of that momentum soaring. At high altitude from May 10 to October 28, when Jupiter made its first transit through Aries. The only issue? The progress stopped once Jupiter turned retrograde on July 28th.
Starting now, Cancers can prepare for a favorable start to 2023! The seeds you've been planting for a while now will begin to germinate as if they were hit with first-class compost. Risk-positive Jupiter is asking you to take some leaps of faith and daring action to face the universe halfway. Over the course of six months of this professional power surge, don't get bogged down by titles, status, and hierarchy. (Just don't completely ignore this pyramid of power.) Part of the charm of your compassionate sign is your concern for everyone's well-being. Think of it this way: When you fulfill your destiny and are overwhelmed with a sense of accomplishment, you will be in the best possible position to help attract people with you. Whether you want to launch your own business, start saving for big tickets or take a giant professional leap, Jupiter's Endless Beams continues your way on the path to honing your skills and developing your talents. Your visibility will be higher than usual between now and May 16th. If you need a wardrobe update or a "hair and makeup" makeover, turn to sleek, camera-friendly friends or hire a pro to add a professional glow.
At least one person will be watching you fondly starting Wednesday, December 21st, as the Sun begins its annual month-long visit to Capricorn and your seventh house of partnerships. Good luck getting some time to yourself during this four-week cycle. For single Cancers, the desire to merge will grow stronger, and a promising relationship can turn into something pretty exclusive before January 20th. Where can you use plus one in your life? (And no, it doesn't have to be a romantic thing.) Take your time defining your "standards," then generalize and research.
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Already attached? Give your SO the sexiest gift ever - your undivided attention. And since the sun shines whatever it shines on, guilds that go through the rough patch will receive a wake-up call. If you care about keeping those bonds strong, make time for the required steps and TLC. We don't have to tell you, Cancer, that strong relationships are a matter of give and take and concern for each other's happiness. Business partnerships will get a positive boost from this sunshine. Budget for legal fees, so you can make these promising alliances official - and protect your IP and your integrity in the process.

They were identical twin sisters Ofira and Tali Edot (The Astrotoins) ELLE.comOfficial astrologers for more than a decade. They are the authors of several astrology books, including the popular annual horoscope guides, and have read charts for celebrities including Beyoncé, Karlie Kloss, and Emma Roberts. For their instant predictions, books and online courses, visit them at Astrostyle.com.
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