Dave Mustaine And the James Hetfield They aren't exactly buds, but they aren't enemies either. In a new interview with Guitar.comThe Megadeth The frontman revealed that he and Hetfield had already been planning to do a project together at some point, and this was the last time they had a conversation.
Mustaine has never held back from speaking his mind, and during the interview he was asked if that frankness had an impact on his career at all.
"There's three sides to every story, right. There's my side, there's going to be the other person's side, and then there's going to be the truth, which is somewhere in the middle," he said. "Hetfield because we were talking about getting back together and doing a project."
"Something came up about a publishing discrepancy that we've been arguing about for years and years and years, and I said to James, 'I'll do it but we have to work these things out first.'" And he said, "Yes, absolutely."
It's not clear exactly when the conversation about this project took place, but the "publication discrepancy" that Mustaine referred to was most likely due to a re-release metallicaPresentation of 1982 no life even skins, which was recorded when he was still the band's lead guitarist. The release, which was to be an extended version of the original, was delayed around 2018 due to Mustaine and Lars Ulrich No agreement could be reached on songwriting credits.
"So I said," Mustaine continued to Guitar.com, "Now these two songs are split between you and me, 50/50. Lars didn't write on this song — you know that. I don't know why I gave him the percentages but I'm not. I'm not going to sign another deal." It will confirm because I never agreed to that.”
And James said, 'Well, Lars remembers it differently,' and I said that's fine — there's his side of the story, my side and the truth somewhere. And that blew his mind, and we haven't spoken since. You know, I was trying to be really friendly with him. He told me the last three projects they had bombed, and that they wanted to go back and use all the stuff I was working on, and I said sure. Once I said that "three stories," it was over!"
A collaboration between Mustaine and Hetfield may not be off the table, though the former admitted in late September that it was finally He wants to work with the frontman of Metallica repeatedly.
"I secretly hoped there would be a day when James would be [Hetfield] And I can write together again,” Mustaine admitted Andrew Daly from Vinyl Cutter Music. "I think the world really wants us to do that, and I think there's a good possibility that that will happen in the future."
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