Like a layer cake.
It was like a layer of cake, and it was fun. It was a unique challenge. But the puzzle box itself—Chris Beck, our support master, has worked with a bunch of artists, and it's all hands-on. It's not like there's one box that does all of these things, but in different pieces, every piece of it.
Is it really open like that?
Well, with puppeteers rather than having a CG object. It has already been built. We drew some hinges and some dolly bars and stuff, but I think you can feel the tactile nature of it. I am very happy with what it feels like a magical puzzle box for the mind.
IIt's a great way to introduce the characters, but it's also a metaphor for the movie, so it's perfect. What about the puzzles that fascinate us so much?
In a way, you can get sublime and say that the core of the drama is the chaos caused by the crime, and then the restoration of order by the detective who finally solves it. There is also a good puzzle plot. Although I will say, I feel like a big part of the way I try and approach these movies is not thinking of them specifically as mysteries. I like taking the Hitchcock approach much more, thinking of them as a roller coaster ride. I feel like you can get into trouble if you start to think "I'm creating a puzzle for the audience to solve". Because this is like something I spun after the fact in a satisfying way.
The thing that drives it has to be the same thing that drives any hit movie, so who do you care about? What are you watching? What makes you lean forward as opposed to leaning back, banging your chin, and thinking?
And finally. Endings are my favorite thing about movies. And as Hitchcock said, there is very little actual satisfaction to be gained from the surprise being the payoff at the end of the film. I think what leads to a successful ending is incredibly satisfying. And that suspense is the opposite of surprise, and the satisfying release of suspense at the end, as opposed to, "Oh my God, I would never have guessed that." I mean, that's fun, and I hope you put it out there, too. But to me, that has to be secondary to a payoff that actually works the way any other good movie does.
Will there be another one?
I'm already starting to come up with ideas. As long as Daniel and I have fun doing this, as long as people want to see it, I'll keep making them.
Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery will be available in theaters November 23 for one week and will stream on Netflix December 23.
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