Everything everywhere at once It is one of the best reviewed films of the year (our own reviewer). Gave it 8/10), but that doesn't mean it'll make a critic's Top 10...and that has some fans pissed off. But Daniel Kwan is trying to put an end to fan negativity over his deletion.
After, after Everything everywhere at once failed to make New York Times Top 10 (Although it did make the "And 20 Other..." list), Daniel Kwan (one-half of the directing team known as Daniels, along with Daniel Scheinert) took to Twitter after fans of the film blasted the critics. “I know the year-end Twitter rhetoric for a movie can be toxic [as fuck] With all the "Best of" lists coming up, but this really needs to stop... The act of arranging any piece of art is absolutely ridiculous and should only be seen as an incredibly private and personal endeavor."
Daniel Kwan explained, heaping praise over hate. "This has been a great year for movies and there's a lot to celebrate, so why waste your time on rage? ... These year-end lists are a great opportunity for people to discover movies they haven't heard of (ours is unheard of I don't need that), to help movies Small to make money (you don't need to), and to celebrate the hard work of the filmmakers we appreciate (you don't need to celebrate anymore)."
While Top 10 lists are a convenient way to catalog and keep track of the year's best — and worst — movies, it's one thing above all else: subjective. They should, Cowan suggested, have a conversation and broaden the audience. But what is the point of smashing a publication, a critic, or even a friend who puts one film on another?
Even then, pundits can have a huge impact, especially when it comes to year-end lists. After numerous Independent Spirit Awards nominations and taking it home First prize at the Gotham AwardsAnd the Everything everywhere at once Looks like he's poised to perform well at the Golden Globes and Academy Awards.
Do you pay much attention to top ten lists? Do you make your own? Let us know in the comments below.
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