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16 healthy exercises to keep you grounded during the holidays

By now, we hope we all learn this fact: To lead a healthy life It doesn't have to be expensive or complicated. Sure, modern-day wellness hasn't always been the most accessible—but that doesn't mean it can't be. I love the Deluxe face mask As much as the following girly wellness and splurging massage sounds like it's the best way to spend my vacation bonus. But when it really comes down to it, getting back to the basics of health and a full life should be simple. This is why I have compiled a list of my wellness practices to keep in my back pocket for the times I have to use them. High pressure. Like now.

Featured image of Megan Rob by Michelle Nash.

Michelle Nash's photo

16 healthy exercises to keep you grounded during the holidays

Of course, an hour-long yoga class or a day at the spa can do wonders for our overall health, but it's not always easy to find the time (or money) to work for them, especially during the holidays. The daily wellness practices described below require minimal effort and are gentle ways to support your health - mind, body and spirit. Whether your goal is an energy boost, detoxification, or emotional boost, these small free medical practices are easy to incorporate and cost nothing.

Scroll on for 16 free, healthy, rejuvenating practices to start your morning or sprinkle throughout the day. Because after all, this has to be the best time of the year, right?

1. Set boundaries

It's okay Say no! This wellness practice is especially valuable around the holidays when our enthusiasm for the season takes over. If we feel tempted to say yes to many things, we can easily become overwhelmed. Furthermore, family time often brings great opportunities for setting boundaries. check outside of this article For practical advice on setting boundaries this holiday season.

2. Practice gratitude

If there is one practice to boost your state of mind and joy, it is Thanks It must be. Love this quote from Melody Beattie: “Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It shows what we have in enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos into order, confusion into clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, and a home into a home.” , and a stranger to a friend." Remember, the next time you compare yourself to someone else's seemingly perfect life on social media. The beauty and love that you have brought into your life is already enough and always.

photo by Bellathe Photography

3. Move over

Try doing some light exercise. Walking or stretch in your daily routine. Remember: it doesn't have to be intense or long! Sprinkling in heavy workouts is always welcome if you feel like it, but a daily habit of doing something simple helps you build consistency. And with the positive feedback that comes from consistency, it's easier to build a long-term commitment.

4. Take a hot and cold shower

This is something simple but has amazing benefits. Experts say when you practice it regularly, Cold water therapy It can provide long-lasting changes to the body's immune, lymphatic, circulatory and digestive systems that enhance the overall quality of your life. The benefits of this wellness practice range from major (which may help reverse disease) to minor (increasing collagen in our skin) and they seem to last.

5. Journal

2020 has been a lot. 2021 has been a lot. And yes, it was 2022 Many. The past few years have been tough, and learning how to navigate them can, at times, feel impossible. I have found that journaling helps me understand my underlying feelings and get to the bottom of how I really feel. If you are looking for inspiration, Try one of these daily prompts. Or you can choose Oriented magazine This makes you feel like you are writing to a loving and curious friend.

6. Get your lymphatic system moving

Drag or try dry brushing Lymphatic massage. Both are great ways to move toxins through your body by stimulating your lymphatic system, thus easing your body's efforts to reduce inflammation. Check out this video For lymphatic massage and dry brushing. It really only takes two minutes

7. Get out into nature

We need sunlight, fresh air, and a little grounding every day. It's so easy to let the day get away from you, but we must prioritize time outside every day. This can be difficult in the colder, darker months of winter. But by bundled up and going for a 10-minute walk around the block, you can do amazing things for your body and mind. Do you feel like you are walking with a friend? Even better.

Michelle Nash's photo

8. Prioritize good sleep

One of the pillars of good health is good sleep - we could all use a brush on our beds Sleep hygiene. It's easy to stay up late to knock tasks off your list, but it's important to rest and go to bed when you're tired. After all, Insufficient sleep It has been linked to mood and mental health issues, disturbed concentration, blood pressure changes, a weakened immune system, and an increased risk of diseases such as diabetes, dementia, and Alzheimer's disease.

9. Spending quality time with loved ones

over there Logs galore Human relationships and friendships not only enhance our physical and mental health - they make our lives better. Whether you're gathering with family in person or catching up with friends over FaceTime, be sure to make space in your days to spend time with the ones you love.

10. Spend time between sheets

Not only sex is beneficial your relationship, but it can also reduce stress and anxiety, improve sleep, reduce pain, and even boost your immune system. Just in case you need an extra boost.

photo by Bellathe Photography

11. Watch some screen-free time

Do you feel like your daily screen time keeps going up? Try to set a specific time each day to get rid of the phone. I like to set a timer and turn my phone off so I don't check my phone for one thing and find myself scrolling through Instagram 30 minutes later. best so far, Turn off your phone for the weekend. Yes, it is really possible.

12. Eat nutritious meals

The holidays are all about indulgence. But after a few sugar headaches, you're probably tempted to slow down. We'll Never Tell You To Stay Away From Birthday Cakes (By All Means, dig in), but you can try to weave a little on purpose Vegetarian meals in your week. Because when it comes down to it, it's all about prioritizing diversity and finding balance.

13. Sweat it out

There is nothing like a good sweat to help your body detoxify. Not only that, but it can help you burn calories, improve your blood circulation, boost your mood, and improve muscle relaxation. I like to sweat it out working in the yard or jogging fast around the block. If you live in a colder climate, one of our favorite ways to sweat is to use Infrared sauna.

Michelle Nash's photo

14. Start your day with a solid morning routine

Drink a glass of warm lemon water. Meditate. getting dressed Play a fun playlist. There are many ways to set your intention for the day ahead and get a great start to your day. See how a few of our favorite ladies start their day If you are looking for inspiration.

15. Organize your home

While a perfectly put together home can feel a bit off-kilter, so does the constant chaos Do have an effect on our mental health (This article On this wonderful topic). paying off These tips For little ways to clean and organize your home.

16. Breathe deeply

Managing stress is essential to reduce inflammation, promote homeostasis, and prevent the buildup of unwanted toxins in the body. Believe it or not, simply do some breathing exercises or Meditation It can be very effective in supporting your body's ability to get rid of toxins and will leave you feeling calm and relaxed. Deep belly breathing regulates blood pressure and heart rate.

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