Anna Wintour Nothing if not consistent. Of course, you already know that she's been wearing the same sunglasses and bob haircut for as long as EIC's Vogue magazine- That is, a very long time. And she never backs down from her signature outfit combination: a printed midi or maxi dress with knee-high boots. And as it turns out, that's true even when you're flying through New York's JFK airport.
I have never worn heels Knee high boots While traveling because I imagine getting them on and off at security would be very difficult - would stylish, cumbersome shoes fit properly in a trash can? And you definitely wouldn't catch me wearing high heels of any kind while traveling, because navigating airports is already a stressful experience that would only be made worse by wearing anything remotely uncomfortable. Sure, Anna Wintour looks just as chic as ever, but personally, I'd think twice before wearing her shoes to the airport. Scroll down to see her airport outfits and shop for cozier alternatives to boot.
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