Crocodiles, dugongs, turtles - oh my!
Arnhem Land Not only is it a culturally important place for the traditional owners, the Yolngu peoples, but it is also an amazing landscape filled with different ecosystems from mangrove forests to coastal beaches and from seasonal wetlands to floodplains. In each of these ecosystems live a variety of native animals.
While exploring this wild and remote country, chances are you will come across at least some of these animals and this guide will tell you everything you need to know about the different species that swim across the waters of Arnhem Land, run across its lands, and soar in its skies.
You can even play animal bingo, counting how many species you've spotted as you venture through Arnhem Land on your epic journey. just an idea.
1. Saltwater crocodiles

Unofficially considered the mascot of the Northern Territory, the saltwater crocodile (paru) is an ancient, protected and protected creature, and represents the mythology of the Yolngo peoples as a clan totem. Larger than the size of a freshwater crocodile, this adorable but extremely dangerous animal has been roaming the estuarine streams of Arnhem Land over 200 million years ago, feeding on anything that stumbles near its powerful mouth and the powerful bite pressure that comes with it.
An adult saltwater crocodile, commonly known as a sit-and-wait predator, can reach up to 6 meters in length, so if you see one on your travels, give it a wide berth. Fortunately, there are enough signs throughout Arnhem Land's most popular recreation areas and visitor centers to warn you about crocodiles. It's also wise to stay away from the water's edge or do anything to attract potential alligator activity.
While they are one of the most dangerous species in the world, they are also incredibly impressive, and if you have a chance to observe them in the wild from a safe distance or with a trained professional, do so.
2. Dugongs

Another fascinating marine animal is the dugong, a large gray water dweller that spends most of its time on the sea floor foraging for food. Found in both coastal and inland waters, this peaceful creature can live up to 70 years and is definitely something to admire if you come across one in the wild. While they can look intimidating thanks to their 3m size, they are relatively harmless and relaxed animals, preferring to keep to themselves.
3. Belbeis

Considered one of the nicest looking marsupials you are likely to encounter in Arnhem Land, the Bilby is usually recognized by its long, rabbit-like ears and silky blue-gray fur. Quiet by nature, bilbies are often found in grassy sandy plains and shrubs, sleeping in freshly dug burrows during the day and emerging at night in search of food in the form of termites, grass seeds, and small spiders.
Bilbys were once found in over 70% of Australia but due to predators, drier climates and loss of habits, that percentage has dropped to just 15%, so while spotting this little creature can be challenging, we thought the Bilby still deserved a place. In this list of Arnhem Land animals due to its status as one of Australia's most beloved native marsupials.
4. Rainbow bee-eaters

Wandering around the trees in Arnhem Land is the rainbow bee-eater, a small and distinctive bird with blue, orange and green tail bands. Usually found near water in forests and scrublands, these pretty birds feed on bees, butterflies, and moths, putting on a rainbow-colored display when they dive to catch an insect.
While there are heaps of different bird species flying from tree to tree all over Arnhem Land, the rainbow bee-eater is one of the most common species found throughout the area, so you will have no problem spotting it on many of your adventures through This charming and wonderful country.
5. Hawksbill turtles

Arnhem Land is home to several species of turtles including the leatherback turtle, green turtle, loggerhead turtle, and hawksbill turtle. With two main breeding grounds across Australia, one on the Great Barrier Reef and the other in northeastern Arnhem Land, the hawksbill turtle is commonly found in the warmer waters of the tropics.
Known for the reddish-brown, green, and blue scales on their shells, these beautiful creatures are breathtaking, and if you're traveling to Arnhem Land during July and October, you might even see a new hatchling or 20 as it makes its way to the water.
6. Oenpelli Snakes
Known as the world's rarest snake because it is found only in the western region of Arnhem Land and has no recognized subspecies, the Owenbili snake is of cultural significance to Aboriginal peoples as many believe the snake inspired the famous rainbow snake in Aboriginal mythology. Unfortunately, the oenpelli python is an endangered species and there are ongoing conservation efforts happening across the country to ensure it does not join the list of extinct Australian animals.
This means that you probably won't see one in the wild, but the snake's long, slender body is easily recognizable with its dark, olive-brown skin and iridescent pearly sheen. Living its life among sandstone outcrops and sometimes on trees in the tropics, the Owenbili snake is one Arnhem Land animal you hope to spot (but keep a safe distance from) on your epic journey through this magical country.
7. The golden bands

Small in size (a fully grown band weighs only about 600 grams), it has an elongated head shape, and is distinguished from the larger brown band by the shape of its hair. This small marsupial is commonly found in the northeastern region of Arnhem Land and lives in scrubland or sandstone areas, avoiding heavily cultivated forests or anywhere with heavy tree cover.
While golden finches are an endangered species, you may be able to catch a glimpse of one scurrying in front of you in its quest for termites and ants to eat.
8. Frill-necked lizards

One of the most daring and impressive animals of Arnhem Land on this list is the ornate neck lizard. The amazing appearance of this lizard is largely due to its magnificent neck frill, which it widens and encircles its face whenever it feels threatened or disturbed. Living high in the trees of the tropics of northwest Arnhem Land, this reptile has been known to leap 20 meters from its leafy habitats and run on its hind legs if it spots a particularly tasty bug to eat.
These brightly colored lizards (the neck frills often display a mixture of orange and red) also feature in local Dreamtime legends with a story telling of secrets heard and human transformations into a lizard. If you are lucky enough, you may catch a glimpse of one of these creatures walking along as you navigate the forested areas of this magical and impressive region.
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