If three of your favorite F-words are fun, French, and fashion, you're probably already counting down the days until the Season 3 premiere of Emily in Paris-Only 12 left until now Lily Collins And the friendly, if sometimes aloof, cast of characters will magically appear on Netflix on December 21.
Creator Darren Starr has a glamorous streak of drama, so while we're not sure what that means for Emily's relationship and career, we're glad to see the costumes continue to the next level. Still at the helm of the fashion and wardrobe department, Marilyn Vitosi delights viewers with Emily's sometimes avant-garde (or perhaps overly American) style, showcasing vibrant colors and cool patterns mixed with classics. "French girl" Style as you see in the supporting characters.
So while we don't yet know what antics Emily will be up to this season, we do know that the extravagant outfits on the show are reason enough to tune her in. Keep scrolling to peek at a few of Emily et amis' OOTDs.
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