When you go out hiking, do you ever include a jar of salsa in your backpack? Most of them don't. But a man who got stranded while hiking in Southern California did just that last month and it saved his life. Maybe we should all.
Eric, last name unknown, of Oceanside, California, was hiking on Big Bear Lake, when he apparently went missing. He wandered for several days, eventually hurting his feet, and could not continue. He faked a sign with a water bottle attached to a stick and was waving it and shouting at a plane passing overhead when a couple, enjoying a Thanksgiving weekend trip, heard his cries.
We end up finding it, and my friend is looking across the ridge and calling, 'Hey, see you,' Alison. Scott told ABC7 newsletter. “He was carrying a stick with a bottle of water on it trying to signal. He couldn't walk. His foot was so swollen and sore just from walking so long, probably from the cold where he was.”
When the pair reach Eric, he explains that he has been missing for two weeks and has lived on half a jar of salsa. We would like to know the brand.
Scott and her boyfriend called 911 and soon after, a helicopter arrived to take Eric to medical treatment.
"It's a Thanksgiving miracle!" exclaimed Eric.
Eric seems like a good guy. "I'm so sorry I spoiled the way on your camping trip," he said to Scott after he was rescued. He reportedly invited Scott and her boyfriend to dinner anytime at Oceanside, if they found themselves there. Salsa, for sure, will be on the menu.
Photo: Ron Creutz/Flickr
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