Stu Folsom, leader of the "Death western" metal group SpiritWorld, is here to take you on a mind-bending journey through his best zombie-themed music videos.
The band has had a trio of their own blood-soaked, blood-tinged videos, dating back to their single "The Bringer Of Light". pagan rhythms Debuted to the present with the cinematic scores for "Relic of Damnation" and Deathwestern The album's title track, who better than Folsom to talk about other artists who have delved into the world of the undead?
If you're not familiar with SpiritWorld, well... you've really been missing out. It's very intense with melodic accents and strong muscle riffs that all combine to produce some decisively catchy tracks. It is not so much a genre amalgamation as an amalgamation of genres, creating a fresh new sound with a more modern look. This may have been the first time that rhinestones and cowboy hats weren't thrown away at all in heavy metal, so Folsom is credited with making the impossible possible.
Lesson here? Come for the zombies, stay for the six shooters and reeves.
Before we get to Folsom's picks further down the page for the best zombie-themed music videos, check out the video for SpiritWorld's song "Deathwestern" directly below. looking for Deathwestern to drop in November. 25 at Century Media (Get your copy over here) and follow the band on InstagramAnd the Facebook And the Spotify.
SpiritWorld, "Deathwestern" music video
Bloodbath, "Zombie Inferno"
Hot Rods, Fire, Gore, Reef! A bloodbath explodes during the end times, wiping out zombies behind the wheel of a badass muscle car. Can't you love him?
Rob Zombie, "Living Dead Girl"
Sheri Moon Zombie is amazing as The Living Dead Girl in Rob's creep show. Contact lenses and A+ eye makeup. Shout out to who the makeup artist was on this one.
obituary "violence"
Cartoon videos' bits are shit. I like this. Jon amputees and then cuts a zombie, there's a tar-and-feather guitar solo, and then Godzilla whips the boys across town to the place... Banger!
Fulci, "Voices"
I dig this video directed by Lorenzo Libori. What could go wrong? A badass squad in gowns brought to life in brain eaters, tons of fog, skulls and a weird naked baby? Fulci does not disappoint.
Jewelry Run, "Never Look Back"
RTJ took the classic public domain George Romeo and made a great video. Great idea. Great execution.
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