Hugh Jackman changed his infamously infamous body in an incredibly impressive way when he landed the role of Wolverine in x men movies. While many might think he did it unnaturally, the actor says he never took steroids to get his body fit for the role.
During a recent interview on the HBO series Who's talking to Chris Wallace? (via variety), Jackman was asked whether or not he took "juice", or took steroids to improve his body for the role. According to Jackman, he didn't, precisely because he was told about the side effects of steroids and decided he didn't like playing Wolverine too much.
“No, I love my job. And I love Wolverine,” Jackman said. “I have to be careful what I say here, but I've been told about the side effects of it. And I said, "I don't like it very much." So no, you did it the old school way. And tell you, I ate more chicken - I'm so sorry for all the vegetarians, vegans, and chickens of the world. Literally, karma is not good for me. If God has anything to do with chickens, I'm in trouble."
Jackman also spoke briefly about how he prepared for the role and told an embarrassing story about how he thought Wolverine was actually part werewolf, thanks to never having read comics.
"I've never read a comic book," Jackman said. "I got the part. I didn't really know anything about ... I don't, in Australia we don't have a wolverine. I didn't know it was a real animal. I'd never heard of a wolverine. I thought it was a simulated animal. You know, like, he has a hand." Of steel, made. And so I was passing by while I was rehearsing in IMAX, they had this documentary about wolves. And I was like, Perfect, because obviously I'm a wolf, part wolf.
So I went [to set] With all these coyote moves and I was doing these moves, and the director said, "What are you doing?" And I said, "Well, I was just thinking that wolves always look like that because they actually smell, and they put their noses on the ground. That's why they look like this all the time." And he said, "What do you mean by werewolf?" And I said, "Well, you know, Wolverine - I'm part wolf so..." And he said, "No, you're a wolverine."
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