- New York times Answered a reader's question about the perfect work shirt.
- while, mowing Ask a reader about white people who use black hair care products.
- Engadget We've shared the results of a new study that found that radiation from UV nail polish dryers may cause skin cancer on the hands.
- New York times Note how George Santos "dressed his story to embody the American Dream in the local fashion of archetypes"—for example, his preppy and banker-ish style.
- from the inside I looked at the value of a four-day work week.
- Techcrunch She notes that startups founded by women raised 1.9% of all venture capital funds in 2022 - less than in 2021.
- ProPublica She mentioned that some websites selling abortion pills share information with third parties like Google - data that can be used by law enforcement.
- NPR It reported that Amazon would end its Amazon Smile charitable donation program.
- Your laughter during the week comes from The New Yorkerwith the "Hey, Hey, it's Me, Photo App on Your Phone!"
On parent companies lately...
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